Monday, June 27, 2011

Android - some best practices with source code

Android applications development although seems to be quite simple, has few things that can be described as a best application design practices. I personally learned many things from my own trials and mistakes, but nowadays you can make few shortcuts and learn from experts.

There are some good code samples that show some good practices shipped with Android SDK. You can always get the Android source code (expect the latest Honeycomb 3.0) and explore how everything is done there.

Also I'm going to list few projects that one can use as a reference for some good practices or inspiration:

1. The Google IO schedule application:
2. The Romain Guy's application that he created for Google IO 2011, that has some tips on animation and images handling (LruCache):
3. The application created by Reto Meier that shows some best practices for location aware applications: The post about this can be found here:
4. The Droid-fu library that contains some useful ideas and patterns: . I found ImageLoader to be pretty useful.

These are just few recent ones (except droid-fu) .... more is coming.

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