Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vim thoughts

One of the frustrations of getting used to Vim editor, is when you get back to the "real world" (browsers, editors, IDEs, etc.) the navigation with h,j,k,l buttons doesn't work, instead they all require you to use "arrow" buttons. IMHO the "h,j,k,l" navigation is so freaking awesome.

Update (02-14-2012):
Vlad, sent me the link to Vimium http://vimium.github.com/ - the Crome extension. Still, as I type this post I have to use arrow keys to move the cursor.
Also need to figure out how to do the same kind of thing for the terminal app, the mail app, etc. ....well, pretty much for every app that uses scrolling and navigation. I wish there was some global setting on Mac OS X to allow to do just that in one single change.

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